- Data flow analysis
- Data flow anomaly
- Data flow testing
- Data flow coverage
- Debugger
- Debugging
- Decision table
- Defect (fault)
- Defect detection percentage (DDP)
- Definition of requirements
- Development process
- Development testing
- Diversification testing
- Dummy
- Duplicate tests
- Dynamic analysis
- Dynamic testing
Data flow analysis
This is a static process for analysis which defines and uses variables in order to prove that variables in the test object are not being accessed correctly.
See also static code analysis as well as daten flow analysis on Wikipedia.
Data flow anomaly
An unexpected or unintentional consequence of changes to or operation of a particular variable in data flow testing.
Data flow testing
This is a form of white-box testing which produces test cases by means of a data flow analysis. The extent of the test is determined by using the data flow coverage figures produced.Data flow coverage
This is a percentage of definition and use pairs checked by a given number of test cases.
Also known as a debugging tool, this is a program that helps to detect and analyse failures in software being developed.
A debugger allows a software developer to stop a program, continue it step by step and display the current status of the variables in use (and, in some cases, change these variables).
Cf. debugger on Wikipedia.
This is finding failures in a software application then analysing and removing them using a debugger.Decision table
This tabular overview of combinations of inputs and stimuli along with this corresponding outputs and actions respectivley is used to design test cases.
Please refer to the Wikipedia article on decision tables.
Defect (fault)
Another term for a fault.Defect detection percentage (DDP)
DDP refers to the number of defects found during a test period or within a test phase expressed in relation to the overall number of defects found during a set time-frame.
This overall time-frame may well continue past the release date - i.e. into production and operation.
Definition of requirements
This is the written documentation of requirements with regard to a software application. Requirements are divided into the following categories: functional requirements, performance requirements, design and developement standards.
This stage in the systems engineering process is where requirements are gathered, specified and then passed through to the design stage.
Development process
This is the typical software deveolopment model used when designing software applications.
For further information, see software development process on Wikipedia.
Development testing
This is testing carried out by the developers of the software only. It is frequently refered to in practice as component testing.
Cf. unit testing on Wikipedia.
Diversification testing
This approach to testing involves testing several different versions of a software application against each other.
A part of a program or application used to replace a real part of the program during testing.
Duplicate tests
Refers to test cases which are redundant due to the fact that there are already test cases on hand to provide the information required.
Dynamic analysis
This is a term of the evaluation of a part of program's or system's behaviour - e.g. memory, CPU usage or hard-drive accesses over a set period of time in which the program or system is executed.
For further information, see profiling on Wikipedia.
Dynamic testing
This refers to testing an object by executing it on a computer.
Cf. dynamic testing on Wikipedia.